sa;eAfter-Sales Support: How To Do It For Your Online Business?

Fame Infinity
6 min readMay 16, 2023


Did you notice that the sale ended at the moment the customer paid for the order? In fact, companies that don’t think after sales miss out on great opportunities. After all, once the sale is complete, there is a potential to strengthen the relationship with the consumer and make them trustworthy.

Winning new customers costs 5 to 7 times more than retaining current ones, said marketing guru Philip Kotler. This means that failing in after-sales strategies directly interferes with the profitability of your business. So, if you want to change this scenario, continue reading the article we prepared for you!

What is after-sales?

A step in the after-sales purchase process that includes all the steps taken after the sale is completed. In other words, the consumer continues to travel after the order is paid. After all, the customer will still receive the product, try it, use it, and after a while, even cancel it.

The goal of staying with customers throughout this journey is to maintain customer loyalty so that they continue to purchase from your brand. It is not enough to just say “thank you” after the sale is complete. Long-term success depends on real, long-term relationships with customers. But, make no mistake. Problem-solving strategies such as factory errors are not limited to customer service.

Customers need to be valued and remembered by the brand. Thus, they are more likely to make new purchases and earnings are sometimes much higher than purchases. These strategies are essential for any company, but especially for small businesses, where every customer is important.

How does it work?

The after-sales service provides support to the customer and monitors their entire buying journey with the company.

However, there is no single way to offer such services. Generally speaking, it can be divided into two categories:

Inbound after-sales

This is basically the goal of Customer Service (CAS), where customers can communicate via phone, WhatsApp, online chat, and email if needed. Also consider providing support through social media, which is the most used medium by consumers to communicate with brands. In this process, providing fast service and efficient solutions is crucial. In this way, you ensure customer satisfaction and encourage new purchases.

The opposite situation can be detrimental to your brand. For example, imagine that an order is lost during the delivery process. Consumers are trying to contact the company through various channels but are not getting any response.

The solution comes just a few weeks later when the product is no longer in stock for receipts. You can even offer a voucher for use in the store, but the customer must ask for a refund, compare the competition and never do business with you again.

On top of all this, he can report his negative experiences to about ten people. You’ve already seen how after-sales service makes a big difference, doesn’t it?

Active after-sales

In this case, the company does not expect the customer to contact you after completing the purchase. However, it is ready to strengthen the relationship with consumers.

A product review system is provided here to hear what the consumer experience was like, either through a satisfaction survey or on the website itself.

The strategy includes, for example, sending emails offering similar products and creating loyalty programs that encourage new purchases, such as using cashback on subsequent orders.

This type of after-sales usually brings more positive returns for the company!

How to do after-sales in an online store?

Every company or online store wants to enjoy all the after-sales benefits, right?

But, for this, it is very important to have strategies that strengthen the connection with the customer to increase customer satisfaction and experience.

Keep in mind that buyers expect most businesses to be satisfied after making a purchase. So, you have a chance to surpass the competitors and delight your audience beyond their expectations.

Want to learn how? Let’s get practical tips!

Keep what you promise

Creating customer expectations and not meeting them is one of the worst things you can do, as it compromises the relationship between you at the point of losing trust in the brand.

Do you promise to deliver the product within 24 hours? Comply!

And if you can’t keep it, don’t make such a promise. Always be honest with your audience to build a lasting relationship.


After the purchase, the customer has his first contact with the product and the brand, he tries it, there are doubts and some problems may arise.

Thus, the company must be available to provide the necessary support.

Never be too busy solving your customer’s problem. Always solve problems quickly and efficiently. Keep in mind that support issues are one of the main causes of complaints on the Internet. On the other hand, good after-sales service is able to reverse complex situations and even provide positive feedback for the brand.

Do satisfaction surveys

Have you ever asked your customers how they feel? What are your pain and interest?

So, listen to what he has to say from the satisfaction survey. That way, you show that you really care about your audience, and don’t just want to sell.

In fact, some companies add a promotional coupon after the survey is completed, so that customers can hear their feedback and receive a price in return. Action encourages participation!

Deliver personalized content

Another after-sales strategy is to engage in content marketing to keep your customers close.

You can send by WhatsApp or email some educational content, such as informative content, blog post links, e-books, and tutorial videos. It is also possible to create live commerce or send exclusive offers, releases, and other types of content.

Even a timely “Happy Birthday” with a special coupon can be very powerful as it helps to reach customers a few months after purchase, while the brand may fade from their minds.

Send gifts

Is there anyone who doesn’t like to get presents? Giveaways always surprise customers and are a master loyalty trick, especially for older customers.

Some options are:

● Card to thank you for purchasing;

● Special conditions, such as free shipping or interest-free installments;

● Personalized gifts, such as mugs, eco-bags, essentials, and T-shirts;

● Sample other products to encourage a new purchase.

But pay attention! It has to be something valuable and it makes sense to your customer!

Offer discount coupons

And how about encouraging a new purchase? You can do this by using thank you coupons so that new customers can start shopping again.

Another option is to create a referral campaign for your customers to share with friends or family members. In addition to helping retain, you bring new people into your business.

Take care of delivery

Online shopping creates high expectations for customers as they have to wait a few days for the much-desired arrival of the product. Which makes anyone a little anxious.

In view of this scenario, a strong after-sales strategy is to take care of delivery to ensure that there are no delays. Also, the number of complaints due to this problem increased by 84.6% in 2020. And you don’t want to be a part of this statistic, do you?

So, rely on good shipping partners like Kangaroo to ensure fast, secure, and trackable online delivery. Unexpected events can certainly happen. In this case, but, be proactive and advise your customers to minimize the problem and not keep them in the dark.

Accept exchanges and returns

Purchase cancellation is confirmed by Section 49 of the Consumer Protection Code. Also, the possibility of exchanging goods offers a great difference.

But, few companies offer efficient contrast logistics, which weakens the customer experience.



Fame Infinity

Fame Infinity is a decentralized ecosystem, consisting of several digital marketplace and platforms which are predicated on AI-driven blockchain technology.