Create Your Communication Strategy For Social Media

Fame Infinity
7 min readMar 6, 2023


If you are a marketer, you already know that you need to create communication strategies for social networks. But when it comes to getting your hands dirty, it’s normal to have doubts about starting and forming this plan. Thus, we have set up this content to clear everything about this universe.

There are many communication channels that can be used to communicate with the public in different ways, right? But it is important to choose the best method for the expected results of the campaign. Check out the content we’ve prepared to help you with this task!

The importance of creating communication strategies for social media

First, it is important to understand that creating a specific strategy for social networks is crucial.

According to a survey conducted by Kota Digital Platform, which collected data on the use of social networks in the UK and around the world, the UK is the fourth most used social network in the world. See the ranking of the 10 most used in 2021:

● Facebook (50 million)

● YouTube (40 million)

● Facebook Messenger (35 million)

● LinkedIn (31 million)

● WhatsApp (30 million)

● Snapchat (29 million)

● Instagram (28 million)

● Pinterest (19 million)

● Twitter (17 million)

● TikTok (8 million)

It’s a lot of people, isn’t it? And all this visibility creates a lot of opportunities for those who want to use these platforms

But your brand probably doesn’t want to communicate with everyone, so you need to design a strategy to talk to those who are really important.

How to structure your strategy?

Now that you know the importance of creating a communication strategy for social networks, it’s time to understand how to use this knowledge.

Thus, we have created a complete step-by-step guide for you to create your plan. Check out:

Find out where your audience is

First, it is essential that you define the target audience and the personality of the campaign. But not only that, we need to know where these people are.

As we mentioned earlier, there is a wide variety of social networks. Depending on who you want to target, you should focus your energy on one and focus on the other.

Suppose the audience you want to reach is between 15 and 20 years old. A good example of a social network to chat with these people would be TikTok. Do you agree?

But, if the public is between the ages of 25 and 30, it is better to choose LinkedIn and Instagram, for example.

It is noteworthy that these are just a few examples. To create a communication strategy for social networks, it is also important to consider other data such as social class, personal interests, etc.

Analyze your competition

You must know who the main competitors of the brand are, whatever the business division or campaign.

It is advisable to analyze what and how they communicated over the networks. It can create valuable insights for creating communication strategies for social media.

By looking at what other companies are doing, you can see which way you should and shouldn’t go with your own strategies.

Plan Yourself

Once you’ve figured out where the audience is and what the competition is about, it’s time to plan your campaign application.

When each content is broadcast, it needs to be structured in what format and what topics it will address.

There is no benefit in creating relevant materials within good reach if published without a plan. In fact, it could “burn” something that could be successful. Do you understand

Here, the tip is to use a publishing calendar. That way, you can better imagine what kind of content will be published on a given date and what themes.

Create original, quality content

Even if your brand already has good visibility, it’s important to always think about content that is relevant and introduces something new to the public.

People don’t want more of it. So, look for references and ideas that make publications more interesting and original.

Boost publications

With each passing day, it’s hard to find great results on social networks with only organic traffic.

Companies that care about communication channels, such as Facebook, have already restricted free access to publications and started charging those who want to promote the content widely.

The main advantage of this type of placement is that it allows the campaign to reach the desired audience accurately.

For example, suppose you want to interact with a specific audience, such as teenagers who enjoy racing games. You can reach and talk to these people directly through digital marketing ads and push platforms.

What is the ideal content format for each platform?

Knowing listeners and their affiliates is just as important as understanding their preferred formats (and which one works best on each platform).

Thus, we have separated a list with the main content format for your use on each social network.


It is one of the most used social networks nowadays. This is one of the most targeted channels when creating communication strategies for social media.

On Instagram, publications can be both photos and videos, allowing you to explore a wide range of formats.

It’s like studying what kind of material appeals to your audience the most. For teens, for example, try exploring short videos like a reel

For adults, for example, focus on the carousel or informative videos.


Linkedin is the social network that most disagrees with other platforms. Because it works towards creating a professional context and sharing content created in the labor market, exploring and exposing vacancies.

The corporate focus makes the network the ideal environment for communication between companies, which is the famous B2B marketing.

In this sense, it is recommended to publish content related to your company’s field of activity, but it is also relevant to users.

Here are the main types of content you can create on Linkedin:

Long Content

If you want to communicate with your audience in a more complex way, with relevant information, and in a holistic way, LinkedIn is the ideal place.

As mentioned above, this is a place where people are interested in developing professionally. In other words, they want content that provides more complete and in-depth information.

Share Experiences

Every business has a story. And this experience stands out for the company and can present more about its beliefs.

This will be of interest to the consumers and will make the company more known to the public


Even if it is on a professional platform, people are still attracted to videos where confidential content is published that presents the brand through chats, testimonials, or even institutional videos.


In this case, the most successful publication is also video. But, it is recommended to publish GIFs and pictures.

After all, Facebook is still the most accessible social network in the world and for this reason, there are places for different formats, content, and concepts.

If you need inspiration, one tip is to try out the Facebook Insights and Facebook Trends tools that are the most talked about topic today.


It is a social network that is more agile. So, it is worthwhile for brands to think of ways to integrate something new and immerse themselves in current issues.

On this channel, the professional in charge of the strategy must be aware of the problems, hashtags, and, of course, the memes out and around.

Twitter is a great platform for following and getting feedback, allowing the company and its communications team to follow users’ opinions in real-time.


The new platform on our list, Tik Tok, has already won the hearts of millions of people around the world.

It is a social network that focuses on young audiences, but it is not limited to them and allows the creation of communication strategies for social networks for different audiences.

Here, the best way for companies to communicate with users is:

● partnerships with influencers;

● launch “challenges” to the public;

● match the brand with something useful to the audience.

Social media trends to watch out for

Now that you know more about communication strategies for social networks, let us introduce you to the main market trends.

Videos everywhere

As you may have already noticed, we’ve mentioned videos on almost every topic in the “Best Content Formatting Key for Every Platform”.

This is because, in general, people prefer dynamic content, where a lot of information is provided, including entertainment and visual applications.

Influence marketing

You already know a digital influencer. They are delivering good results for advertising agencies and dominating digital marketing publications.

Thus, it is worth researching which influencers are most suitable for the product or brand you are promoting. And since then, analyze what strategies these professionals need to retain and influence their followers in order to use their products/services.

Posts that generate identification

Every day, people want to identify more with the brands they are using. In other words, communication strategies for social networks should always have this aspect.

It makes the audience feel like a participant in the swallowed content, which creates engagement and increases sales.

Create your community and follow what they are saying

By applying the right strategies, the brand will probably start to build a community. Building relationships or targeting even the smallest, target audience will be decisive in bringing them closer to you.

Still, one needs to be aware of what is being said about the brand. This will allow you to:

● track the overall brand situation;

● create content relevant to people;

● improve the customer experience.

No matter what strategies you use in social media communication, it is essential to have as much information as possible. And, since each channel has its own characteristics, it is important to think about different plans for each of them.

By studying and better understanding your audience and where they have been inserted, you can create a communication plan that is more likely to convert, sell or create brand authority.



Fame Infinity

Fame Infinity is a decentralized ecosystem, consisting of several digital marketplace and platforms which are predicated on AI-driven blockchain technology.