Discover The Top Marketing Trends

Fame Infinity
5 min readMay 28, 2023


At the beginning of the year, there is that summer atmosphere, the beach, the Panettone parties. And we just want to know one thing: this new year marketing trend that has just begun.

And we at Fameinfinity always help our readers stay one step ahead in terms of communication strategies, so we’ve prepared this exclusive content on the subject.

Good reading!

In the job market, in contrast to what often happens in marketing, we always have to think about the future. Each strategy, piece, and text should focus on days, weeks, months, and even years to come.

And it’s the right kind of thinking that will ensure that successful campaigns are set up, always trying to monitor consumers’ behavior and determine what will make them happy in the future.

Check out the main trends that we separate:

Metaverse is nothing more than a universe created by the meta company that owns Facebook. The first step towards this new reality constitution was the launch of the virtual reality platform Horizon Worlds.

With this, a new way of communicating with the public is raised for the company, with hyper contextualized and more immersive steps.

And this brings the following benefits to digital marketing:

In recent years, chatbots have been widely used by companies to provide fast and efficient service. But, people no longer feel comfortable talking only to “robots”, they want more personalized communication.

As a reflection of this, a study conducted by Accenture Strategy found that many companies have already failed to earn 400 billion for not providing good customer service.

Thus, a major trend for next year is to invest in more humanitarian services, but it does not make a difference in inefficiency. Features that can be found in the chatbot personality.

For you to be able to do this with your brand, some tips are:

Nano influencers and UGC

As you already know, one of the more powerful strategies in recent years is to use influencers for brand advertising .

Considering that companies have already realized that the more fragmented the communication, the more results it will bring, nano-influencers have gained great relevance in marketing activities.

They communicate with a small group, but they are very confident in what they say. This happens because the followers feel close to the influencer as if they are an “exclusive fan club”.

According to an influential business consultant, nano-influencers offer a higher level of engagement than other “normal” followers.

Also, according to the same survey, since they only have 1,000 to 10,000 followers, these influencers charge less per partnership. This makes it possible for marketing companies to rely on a number of professionals to communicate about products.

From this same perspective, user-generated content can be a good promotion strategy.

Did you know that videos where influential people challenge viewers to a new dance? Or when a brand launches a campaign where people have to record a creative video and post it? All these user-created content strategies!

Also to be less expensive for the company, since there is no need to pay multiple fees or professionals, UGC gives marketing managers a better idea of who they are and what their customers like.

For a long time, companies have used cookies to capture data and track consumer behavior. However, with the advent of the General Data Protection Act, Google has determined that cookies will expire in 2023.

But the end of cookies does not mean that there will be no more personal campaigns, only that marketing strategists will have to work separately. You need to use basic user data to track their behavior.

Simply put, Omnichannel Marketing is a tactic that uses different communication channels to unite and improve the consumer experience.

In other words, it integrates all communications from the marketing sector to the service sector. An example of this is when a store allows a customer to shop through an app or e-commerce and pick up the product from a physical store.

To show how positive the results of this strategy are, Forbes conducted a survey with some retail companies. And it concludes that, in some cases, omnichannel marketing is responsible for sales growth by 241%. Well, isn’t it?

Always be aware of the Google algorithm

Anyone working with SEO or Google Advertising should know in advance that the platform’s algorithms are constantly evolving and aim to improve the user experience. Right?

Therefore, it is the responsibility of all professionals aware of these changes to adapt to the requirements of Google, the world’s largest search platform.

This is already one of the biggest challenges today. In 2017 and 2018, for example, we were bombarded with fake election-related news.

Unfortunately, this is a trend that is still continuing and will continue to grow in the coming years. A survey conducted by MIT indicates that fake news usually spreads 70% faster than real news.

In short, brands need to study very carefully whether what they are communicating is true. Otherwise, they may spread false news and ruin their credibility with the public.

Do you want to come up with an effective marketing strategy without spending a fortune on content that no one will use? So, research very well what the target audience of the brand eats.

This will allow you to focus your campaigns in a format that is really important to your customers.

Let’s say the audience for the business you’re advertising is a teenager. In this case, for example, creating a blog post is much more effective than creating a video or sharing it with an influential person, instead of spending time and money.

In order to get an idea of ​​what consumers like, it is also necessary to create content that is compatible with the places selected for promotion.

Each platform has its own characteristics and can present more results depending on the purpose. For example:

Also for these, a few more platforms are available. The most important thing is to always research who you are, where you are, and what kind of content your audience likes.

The last tip is to always aim to create relevant and original content. In this way, the brand gains people’s trust and can become a reference in the market.

If you want to know how to do this and much more, subscribe to our newsletter now and stay up to date with all the content produced by Fameinfinity!

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Fame Infinity

Fame Infinity is a decentralized ecosystem, consisting of several digital marketplace and platforms which are predicated on AI-driven blockchain technology.