Marketing With Influencers: Can We Still Trust Influencers?

Fame Infinity
7 min readJul 6, 2022


Influencers are growing up on social networks and especially on Instagram where they are most present. Influencer marketing has become a priority in communication for brands and companies of all sizes. It is legal to ask questions about them:

● Can we trust influencers?

● Are all influencers legitimate on their favorite subjects?

● Doesn’t fake influence hurt influencer marketing?

Influencer, is it really a dream job?

With more influencers on social networks and blogs, there is no doubt that this profession is still the dream of some internet users. Many, however, feel that it cannot integrate the work it represents. Layers are the amount of time spent creating and distributing content across different platforms.

Being influential is not an easy task, it is a far cry! Because work makes you dream, your face should not be hidden; Becoming influential is not within the reach of everyone. To turn it into a skill you need to understand your real passion and understand that there is a level of communication as well as an intimate level. You need to know the advantages and disadvantages of your social networks. But, if you have a blog or YouTube channel, do SEO to ensure natural referencing of your content.

If photography is within reach of everyone, we can easily say that there is still room to take it on Instagram. But, the algorithm that is not always on one side and the social network that reaches the saturation point, Instagram is not a factory of influencers, but a platform that hosts a large number of them. It is a matter of luck to become influential on Instagram, the way to know and to be able to position yourself as an innovative, original theme and self-identified audience.

If the influencer makes you dream, becoming one is not easy and it takes a long time. Are you ready to spend hours in front of a computer or smartphone that involves any sacrifice and stress, creating content, communicating with the community, and especially conducting a professional activity? Not sure if we analyze the work well and what it actually presents!

Too many influencers and diluting audiences

Influencers do not resist the competition and competition that reigns in the industry. If there are more influential people on the internet, it can sometimes be difficult to know who to follow. So it is necessary to choose with the proposed content and sometimes mention the issue of relevance. Friendship with the influencer, the products he puts forward, and the theme he works on, already materializes his first basic preferences.

Some content is sponsored by these web influencers, such as articles sponsored by professional bloggers. It makes sense when we talk about a job and become a professional. But you still need to know that they also produce neutral content to bring balance. Although the sponsored content for which they are paid is well done, it is not free.

Thus if we can think that we can still trust the influential in the face of their growth. Since it is also a profession that is in the hands of advertisers, companies, and brands of all kinds, paying for content delivery can be a hindrance when searching for information.

So is an influencer free to test his speech or his products/services? It will awaken faith or not. A valid question asked by many internet users in the digital age, where everything goes through the internet. Let’s break it down:

How can you trust influencers?

When we know that everything can be bought on the internet to gain popularity, it can be scary! But, when looking closely, we should not put all the influencers in the same basket. Tools will already help you see more clearly between real and fake influencers, that’s undeniable!

Confidence is a more sensitive issue because there are several angles to consider. But, the same decision that is effective for everyone is effective.

1. Can an influencer who is paid be trusted?

The remuneration of influencers is a vast subject. However, if we are talking about a job, we are talking about paying for the necessary distribution of sponsoring materials. Which frustrates the position of the product or service influencer. Is he focused and concise in his speech? Does he have the right to say what he thinks about a product through sponsored content?

You can assess first-level confidence here. Take a look at what is being said overall on the internet depending on the featured product. If the opinion of the influencers carrying the product is positive, there are many negative opinions, but there may be eels at the bottom of the rock. This level of purposefulness on both sides can still be seen.

Sometimes it becomes clear that we have to write something with repeated partnerships in the temptation of profit and logically a brand that brings the influencer back to life! At the moment, it’s hard to believe in this kind of profile. We need to look at his other sponsored content and see if a brand returns regularly or if he is always accustomed to being positive in his posts. We can be objective and neutral without being negative about the risk of killing the brand, which would be nonsense to participate in the purpose of this observation.

It’s easier with a blogger because influencers are sometimes asked to put a link to one of these articles. In this case, the content can be completely neutral, sharing an aspect that is perfectly aligned with the influential blogger. It is clear that through such a partnership, there is no risk of not trusting him. Conversely, if it reviews a tool and if the use of its method is commercial, it must compare it to third-party responses to see if the test is genuine and purposeful.

Clearly, this is not to say that an influential person is paid as a partner that you do not rely on him or her.

Compare and check the relevance of the content and see if it is consistent by providing an objective perspective as a whole. Some of the products offered on the front can easily reflect the lack of relevance and purpose. Especially when it comes to cosmetics, welfare, culinary products, etc.

These products may contain harmful ingredients and this is not the point raised by the influencer. So it needs to be considered if you want more specific feedback.

2. Influencers who defend causes (association, environment, etc.

The causes are sometimes defended by certain influencers, and sometimes even called for help. At this stage, there will obviously be no payments for influencers, except in exceptional cases where names have been borrowed or specific content has been created. In perfect terms, we start with the principle that the defense cause is very close to the heart of the influencer and he is reluctant to pay for such activities. Also, it allows the influencer to work on his image and thus introduce himself or herself from another angle without patronage.

The influential person who pays to defend the cause tarnishes his image and does not reflect the healthy morals of his community.

3 No brand or organization is weakly connected by influencers.

We’re at a subtle point here, but that’s where brands and firms sometimes have to lose more than influential ones. This is called the English error, it can be said that the structure here prefers the mistake of influential people to put its mark on social networks. This can be a problem with personality, goals, melody, content type, etc …

The influencer may be attracted to the partnership to gain legitimacy without thinking too much. And the brand of its part may be attracted without analyzing the influence of the influencer and his previous partnership. If a brand or organization has a lot to lose at the moment, the influencer may not understand its community about its choice of partnership. So if its core content goes completely out of step, its community can’t believe it. In the end, it could serve him right now: at any cost!

4. Use your influencer to run a business

It is precisely on this slippery ground that we must be careful because some influencers have lost big in this game. Selling low-end products at pharaonic prices under the pretext of influence is a game in which a few influencers have joined in, who has surfed the wave of Alibaba, Wish, and others!

We buy a product for $1 and we resell it without scruple between $5 and $10. Influencers created online stores by working on the principle of drop shipping. Obviously, you sell products from any wholesaler or any site without any worries about logistics. After receiving orders from influential people on the site, the wholesalers confirm the shipment.

So unfortunately the influential one who can lose everything has his reputation: his influence and his work! It ends up depending on the influencers.


Overall, we can trust influencers, but not blindly. The risks involved are great enough. The influential is at risk of losing his influence, the community, and ultimately his work. Needless to say, no one wants to go there but some can play with fire. And this is especially the case with all types of interactions, including the sole goal of fan purchase and quick impact.

So it is vital to use the right tools and analyze the profiles correctly as they may seem oversold. Sponsored content does not necessarily mean brand or company direction. So, it is better to be equipped during effective use and be sure (best) about your product and/or service.

Originally published at



Fame Infinity

Fame Infinity is a decentralized ecosystem, consisting of several digital marketplace and platforms which are predicated on AI-driven blockchain technology.