Metaverse: What It Is, How It Works, Examples, and More!

Fame Infinity
7 min readNov 23, 2022


We’ve all heard of Metaverse and even know that Facebook has changed its name to Meta, but what is this new platform that people talk so much about? And more than that: what does the future hold for Metaverse?

To help answer these and other questions, we’ve created a complete guide to Metaverse. Look down!

Metaverse is an immersive and interactive virtual reality. Similarly, it is an evolution of games like ‘The Sims’ and ‘Second Life’ in the sense that humans need an avatar to survive in this virtual environment. But now, in a super realistic way.

Another way to understand the metaverse is to look at it as a virtual extension of our current life as if it were another dimension. Thus, the name “Metaverse” means outside the universe.

We can notice in practice that this is a new stage for the path of connection. So, notice that there is a link between hardware and infrastructural improvements: personal computers and fixed internet, cell and mobile internet, virtual reality glasses, and 5G — which promises to be 20 times faster than a 4G connection.

The concept of the Metaverse was first published in the novel Snow Crash, published in 1992 by Neil Stephenson. In the book, the author describes the Metaverse as a virtual reality where people live together through 3D avatars.

In practice, Virtual Reality has already experimented with interactive games — such as ‘EVE: Valkyrie and’ Spider-Man: Homecoming — and with online meetings — such as Meta’s Horizon Workrooms virtual room.

To participate in this environment, you often need to wear virtual glasses. Today, these devices have evolved enough to integrate your head movements into games. But, you still need external controls to interact with Metaverse.

In the future, these technologies will be completely immersed and responsive to our movement and we will not have to wear them like we do today.

At the moment, isolating metaverse like today and how they can work. Today, they call games like ‘Fortnight’ or ‘The Sandbox’ Metaverse. Among them, you will have an avatar, look for other users, buy or sell assets (such as land or leather) and play with other people. But, each game is a system and they do not communicate with each other. That is, it is not very different from ‘Minecraft’, ‘Roblox’, ‘PUBG’ etc.

On the other hand, what is the potential of Metaverse: as a city. You turn on your virtual reality goggles (or whatever you are about to invent) and your avatar will appear in this virtual city. There, you can consume products and services that are completely virtual or have a physical distribution. Metaverse has no owner and you can use whatever you buy in stores in all environments in this city.

This explanation is a summary of the metaverse described in director Steven Spielberg’s movie ‘Player # 1’ (available on HBO Max). For me, the model proposed by the film is the minimum to be able to talk about our metaverse.

Ideally, this would integrate several technologies that we see as separate. Such as Voice assistants, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Robotics, and Web 3.0.

An example of what it would be like to see such a metaverse is seen in a hospital environment. You can have surgery with a specialist who uses robotics halfway around the world.

Before performing the procedure, he can explain the problem and what to do with the step-by-step augmented reality — both for the patient and for the medical team.

In this case, your virtual reality glasses will provide different experiences depending on the moment, such as preparatory relaxation on the stretcher, anesthesia, and even during the operation, including sound cancellation, for example. Another example is the possibility of individual recreation in the postoperative period.

At the same time, the equipment and sensors kept in the body will give information about artificial intelligence. This, in turn, can help the medical team like a pair of super-focused eyes.

The foreign doctor can speak his language, which will be automatically translated for the team and the patient.

Do you prefer a pharmacy? This only needs to be informed at the time of registration and your pharmacy will be notified as soon as the doctor prescribes the medicines and they will be delivered to your home.

Metaverse is still very centralized in the sense that there is still no virtual space to navigate within it. In other words, Metaverse still works like your cell phone: you want a transport application, you need to download it to your device one by one.

Furthermore, although C # and C ++ languages ​​are widely used by metaverse developers, there is no consensus on which language to use. In addition, there may be a problem with tools that are not compatible with certain metaverses.

The main advantage of Metaverse is that you can do immersive activities from a distance. That is, you no longer have to go to a physical supermarket, for example, to get an immersive shopping experience. You’ll be able to keep everything in your cart more dynamic than it is today (even though the Delivery app) and deliver orders to your home through the store.

Would you go to your favorite bakery hungry and choose the product directly from the window ?!

Traveling away from family? You can participate in dinner with your kids through a hyper-realistic avatar.

Despite the distance, you and your family can watch your favorite movie together. With Metaverse, we will be able to live this experience as if we were in the same room. I calmed down thinking how amazing it would be!

In our view, there is a simplified model of what this environment would look like as an example of a Metaverse. Because they are very focused on what we already know as a virtual simulation experience.

For example, Nike wants to create virtual clothing and sneakers. How is this game different from leather? Ariana Grande’s Fortnight concert was another high point for Metaverse advocates. But how is it different from a 3D animated clip?

For me, Metaverse really has to evolve much more than “Meta”. We need to move forward to explore our senses as well as capture small gestures from large movements.

Thus, metaverse will not be a pair of virtual reality goggles, but a neural link-style chip with a helmet or sensor to stimulate your brain in real situations. So you go to a Nike store and feel the fabric in your hand. Because weight and texture information, for example, is being transmitted from Metaverse to your helmet and your brain. Thus, we leave simulation and take a step towards simulation.

Also, games that already explore the elements of the metaverse, there are platforms that are already more advanced in the process. This is the case with ‘Descentraland’ and ‘The Sandbox’. Meet them below.

‘Decentreland’ is a virtual world where you can play games, interact with other users, and trade products. Also to games and challenges, you can buy property and assets.

MANA Cryptocurrency not only acts as decentralization but also as a governance token for voting within the platform. These votes are used to define users’ ‘decentralized’ policy and to keep it as a decentralized environment.

Another metaverse proposal is ‘The Sandbox’. There, users can play, create and trade virtual assets, as well as invest in SAND cryptocurrency and make collective decisions about the platform.

The investment is made through “lands” that you can buy with Ethereum to create a digital experience: dioramas (the name given when the model is an exact representation, not a model), games, or exhibitions of NFT s (non-fungible tokens).

This game was created to surpass the current ‘Minecraft’ and ‘Roblox’ so that the creators are given real ownership of their creations as NFT and they are rewarded for their participation in the system.

Several companies have already bought a piece of land in the sandbox. But the games and virtual experience there make the environment look like a normal game with an NFT repository. As it stands, this is still an exercise for Metaverse.

Now that you know the basics of Metaverse, how do we dive into specific questions? We have separated the key questions about Metaverse to answer.

As we have said at other times, the major platforms of Metaverse are decentralized. In addition, you need a universal currency that serves the purpose of buying and selling in this environment. And the way cryptocurrency works brings with it the potential to bring more security to transactions as well. If you are in doubt, read our other article on what cryptocurrencies are.

Since the concept of Metaverse must be a truly decentralized environment, you need to securely transact financial and digital assets. Currently, the best way to do this is to use blockchain technology.

Today it is not dangerous at the stage of development of the Metaverse. In fact, nowadays, it’s safer than the Internet. Nevertheless, there are natural hazards, such as scams and stolen data.

But, as Metaverse becomes more complex and ubiquitous, the challenges of protecting your assets and files and protecting your privacy will increase.

Is Metaverse being created exclusively by the company Meta?

No, there are other companies in Metaverse that have their own projects. But, Meta is one of the five technology giants and owns Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, the main means of communication today.

There are two ways you can invest in Metaverse. The first is to buy land and digital currency or create NFT between the metaverse platform. The second is to buy cryptocurrency abroad and the shares of the company that creates the metaverse or ETF fund.

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Fame Infinity

Fame Infinity is a decentralized ecosystem, consisting of several digital marketplace and platforms which are predicated on AI-driven blockchain technology.