The competition in SEO is not always what you think!

Fame Infinity
5 min readMar 9, 2023


Today there is strong competition for SEO and especially for its keywords to reach the first Google position. SEO companies use more because they integrate visibility and online business challenges.

But, the term competition is often used incorrectly or at least without studying its outline. While it is true that there is real competition for SEO on the Internet, it is not always seen as direct competition to sell products/services like your own.

Let’s see where the majority of SEO competition is and how to fix it.

Competition in SEO

Competition in the broadest sense is defined as a company that provides products and/or services like ours and which may indirectly or directly hinder us from our good sales and/or better position in our core business. ‘Activity. This is often the problem in front of you, a company that has better assets than us or in many cases, a brand that is strongly infamous.

However, competitors are not bad for business, they push us to improve ourselves and always give our best.

SEO competition is even more intense because it starts in a universe where it is possible for several companies to compete for positions on the Internet, but not for business. Let’s take a look at the position of powerful keywords. All these can be often broken down into SEO for companies that have little or no knowledge of web references.

Positioning on strong keywords in SEO

SEO is a question of many keywords but not only! There are many parameters that affect the location of the site and/or its content. Google implicitly states the rules for getting good SEO, and one of them must be backlinks or links pointing to your content, shared by other high-profile sites. However, the regularity of written content, its quality, and relevance work on sources of web traffic, age of the site, etc …

This is a very important point for your SEO and when the time is right, netlinking can be very effective if you have a small budget to dedicate to it.

Let’s go back to keywords and SEO competition, taking a very basic example to make it easier to understand.

Example 1: A company that offers its digital marketing services seeks to position itself by reflex on its strong keyword “digital marketing”. But it systematically comes up against content that is in a much better position than Google. In particular, the definition or term that does not in any way directly trades in the vicinity of digital marketing.

If the company does not go beyond this general observation, then unfortunately there will be no way to face this problem and prevent it. At first glance, this might make you think of competitors who provide the service and thus outperform it. It is not often without! These are informative content where no form of business is highlighted

There is a kind of competition in SEO in this regard, but it is not a business around keyword work and digital marketing. For a business, it is often not necessary to look further, especially when it has no SEO knowledge. So it is important to understand and understand how SEO works in general.

It would be a shame to stop there! because there are fortunately means in SEO, to get around this problem.

Exclude keyword phrases in SEO

In SEO, key phrases or so-called long-tail phrases are not always reserved for businesses that do not have time to create content and/or want quick results. They prefer to spend less energy on searching for the top Google position on their powerful keywords.

The results are still final because they get no visibility and they don’t want to understand why. When you start or when the competition for keywords is strong, you need to know how to question yourself and focus on finding more specific expressions. Here again, you need to be supported by an SEO expert or company.

This does not mean that you should work on your strong keywords, but that you should weigh them and look more closely to gain visibility. We will see in the next chapter how to do this, including the lexical fieldwork of its keywords.

Work local SEO on Google

Another major point in SEO that is often overlooked is local SEO and the benefit offered by Google My Business around company listings referenced on its search engine. This is a great way to get into a bad position with your keywords or strong keyword phrases.

Some companies appear on the second page of results, while they appear on the first Google page through their business page. Depending on your activity you will not hesitate to work at this time so that it can be well mentioned locally.

Expand the lexical field of its keywords related to its activity

How do you respond to one of the keyword problems? Works with the lexical field and the semantics of its powerful keywords (s). As quoted above, we cannot summarize in one word, SEO, the activity of a company!

We must be able to draw a list of terms, terms, etc., which work around them in terms of the characteristics of our company and the content produced. On the one hand, the lexical field can be translated by synonyms of words and semantics associated with the same universe.

In this way, we can enrich its content and vocabulary and position ourselves in terms that will certainly create fewer requests, but which in many cases will be much less competitive.

This work often requires effective internal networking, combining the main content and the small content to give weight to its main or stone-built articles. This is a question to redirect to, thanks for your short content links in a long-tail expression on one of the main content of your site. This is the core content that will work on your strong keywords. Even if they are not in a good position, they will be known for their concise content and may ultimately benefit from SEO.

They can be the subject of a backlink if you work with extra values. Think of infographics, which create links when referring to their shared media source (yours) etc …

Why Small Businesses Need an SEO Strategy.

Most small business owners know that SEO has something to do with search engines. And the most important search engine is Google, but they do not necessarily understand the full value of what SEO can do for them. Some of these business owners may even consider their SEO strategy in its entirety. Because when users type their name in the search results, their business is found on Google.

It is true that some small businesses have not yet achieved this point. But making sure your business site is found on Google with your business name is to check if Google is able to find and crawl your site. It is not being optimized so that more customers can find your small business through search engines. Any business that is only available on search engines like this has not come close to unlocking its online business potential through SEO for two reasons:

● There is no recognition of small business brands that users only need to reach them from search engines using their name.

● Only customers who know the name of the business will find the business this way, which means that a small business does not target new customers, which is why many SMBs do SEO primarily.



Fame Infinity

Fame Infinity is a decentralized ecosystem, consisting of several digital marketplace and platforms which are predicated on AI-driven blockchain technology.