Web Writing: 7 Catchy Titles for Your Articles

Fame Infinity
6 min readSep 13, 2022


When writing the web, you should know that most readers of an article stop at the title. The latter makes a “first impression” and requests not to read it in seconds. Internet users know almost immediately whether they want to continue reading.

This is where you see the importance of working on your title so that it can immediately appeal to the reader. An important principle of web writing is for your natural reference.

Discover 7 interesting headlines for your articles to engage your audience and persuade them to read your content!

As a reminder, the titles of your articles relate to the H1 tags and allow better references if they are well optimized. You must be careful about which one you use and which one you use. At the same time, they should be short to highlight keywords.

Meta titles or meta title tags appear in search engines like Google. This allows you to work from a slightly different angle, improve your topic, and probably get a word back from the same literal field as your original keyword.

Now let’s take a look at 7 interesting article titles for your readers:

Readers want to get an idea of ​​your content right from the title. If it’s too long, your post is still too relevant, but they can’t click. In fact, Internet users do not always read your headlines. They just plan them. To write well for the web, you need a good title, which will attract your visitors.

Thus the norm is sometimes replaced by short, concise, and precise titles. In some cases consider going straight to the point.

Also, from 50 to 60 characters, Google can trim the title in search results. Avoid exceeding this limit if you want to generate more clicks in your text. When Google retrieves your H1 tag for meta-titles, a point comes up depending on the orientation and relevance of the content. In any case, it is recommended to keep it short.

Although many internet users prefer direct and provocative titles, it sometimes requires some play on offbeat titles to get their attention. 80% of internet users share an article on social networks without reading it! Or one in five will read it. What inspires sharing? A headline that sounds interesting, original, etc … without forgetting that the influence of the media or blog can also play in this case. So bring a touch of humor to your title.

For example: “Oh, a fly! Q: Find out how to avoid confusion to increase your productivity.

Create a title that not only makes your point but does it in a roundabout way. Play with words, do not become excited!

Interrogative titles work quite well for their straightforward, precise, and very dynamic approach. They immediately place the content of the content and arouse the interest of the reader who will find his answer(s) there.

Through this type of formula, you highlight the problem that the reader is looking for. He asks himself this question, so he is satisfied with finding a resource that will give him a solution! Internet users can ask different questions while working according to their needs.

How do we look at a different direction from the “bottom”, where it only works on principle Q: How to do?

Internet users using information are more likely to write “how-to” requests. In fact, according to a study by BuzzSumo, “comment” is the third most used term in articles on the web. That way it will be a question of tackling the various and varied issues associated with your theme, and finding content that will answer the question of how to do it?

For example: How to increase your productivity?

A simple title, but impressive and interesting enough for your audience!

A title that creates action, use the top lists! They identify different solutions to a problem, for example working on a specific topic. These can be free or paid tools, advice, methods, or a list of best practices for achieving results.

Again, the readers of your articles are looking for the right answers to their questions. Internet users are given several options because announcing a list with a title will make them think that there will be one or more solutions suitable for them.

Unused, however, testimonials have a huge impact on the reader’s engagement. After all, a large number of customers read reviews online before making a purchase, and some of them say that positive customer reviews boost their confidence in a business.

One of the best ways to use your customer testimonials is to give them titles so that users can relate to them. This way, as you enter the sales funnel, you will see your potential, the benefits of your product/service.

For example, Famenet — the influencer marketing platform has really helped me become more productive!

If you want your readers to act fast, turn your headline into a call to action. Encourage your customers to take steps to better convert your prospects or increase your reading rate.

For example: See our solutions to increase your productivity.

You can encourage your audience to test a product or service for free to get feedback. A good way to improve your offer is based on your offer. In addition, if you set up a form, you will have a contract basis if you show interest in your product/service.

For example: Try our solution for free to increase your productivity.

This kind of expression encourages your prospects to take action by putting forward a proposal because you have to click and read your article to know their details.

Follow An efficient structure for your articles

Once you have created your perfect masterpiece, read it aloud. What looks great on paper and sounds great in your mind doesn’t even fit your ears. In short, sometimes we write stupid things. These come out more clearly when read aloud.

It can be easy to forget that the words we write are used by real people. When you write something, it may seem very different when you look at it verbally. Be very aware of how this can affect your audience.

Before you start writing, organize your ideas well. To answer the question, what problems need to be solved? It’s a great way to remember something, offering an integrated step-by-step approach. Treat them according to the principle of inverted pyramids: from the most important (which gives the correct answer to the subject) to the complementary details that bring more body to your article.

Use this organization to create your articles with Level 2, 3, 4 subtitles. For Google (and other search engines), these titles will be marked by tags: an H1 title (the title of your article), then H2, H3, Hn. These subtitles must have an SEO goal.

Also, focus on creating a good role. This first paragraph is not only to reassure the reader that he will find what he is looking for in this article but it is extremely important in SEO. This arc determines the melody in the same way! Conclude your article with a conclusion that goes back to the main points and gives a broader perspective.

With a few rules in mind, you can instinctively create a working copy. Once you are clear about it, you can create impressive prints at a speed that many would be afraid to see. If you still have problems, learn what affects you.

Think about and reflect on your recent purchases due to an ad. If it works for you, it means the author did the right thing, doesn’t it?

Originally published at https://influencer101.famenet.com.



Fame Infinity

Fame Infinity is a decentralized ecosystem, consisting of several digital marketplace and platforms which are predicated on AI-driven blockchain technology.