What Does Good Customer Service Mean Today?

Fame Infinity
3 min readSep 20, 2022


The last year and the whole field of customer service worldwide has given a noticeable push. More and more, people are buying more and more products and services online. Competition in e-commerce has become tough. And technological advances in digitization have again improved the quality of good customer service. The importance of the subject has increased.

Customer Service, Customer Care, Customer Support — What do you need to best meet customer expectations for your company and guarantee a perfect customer experience?

What are all these different terms? Customer service Customer service, right? — No, that’s not true anymore. And it’s important to be accurate. Customer care is the exact generic term that brings customer service, customer support, etc. to a common denominator. And customer service is the “old way of thinking” — so we have excellent customer service even after buying”.

Customer service (as the most common term for customer care), on the other hand, focuses on the whole customer journey. Google search results range from your company’s first glance to your product range, from browsing to product acceptance and after-sales service. Good customer service means you provide an attractive and reliable customer experience at all stations. The touchpoint of the customer journey — equally! If you have a mood dialect speaker on your customer’s phone, you can’t win a flower pot. The company’s website highlights the attractive high-priced attraction and your Facebook page brightens the buttocks of youth. Just as an example.

The following information also touches your customer service margin. Because the important thing is the overall, positive customer experience from A to Z.

Customer service includes any interaction, online or offline, that a customer or prospect may have with your business, and includes the initial sales to the final sales and beyond.

It is easy to see how the technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has radically changed consumer expectations, which is increasingly complex and refined. Providing customer service is not so easy which meets these high standards.

Generation Zero almost assumes that they can only check the status of the order by speaking on one device. But their parents remember when they ordered via mail using the catalog. The study found that 67% of customers said that their value for a better customer experience is higher than before.

Excellent customer service increasingly means:

● A fast service (“in real-time” or “always operational” in marketing terms)

● A personalized service that offers a connected and omnichannel experience

● and proactive service, which offers a solution even before a problem or a change occurs.

10 tips for customer service that is trendy

If you survive something like this, you don’t have to relax leaning back. Rather start getting the right plan of crisis communication to transfer to the drawer in different situations. So that your customers can at least mention your customer service to avoid the next “event”. The highest priority is immediate, completely transparent communication about the current situation.

You may forget customer service “off the shelf”. For example a sample with a letter and message sent to the responsible department. Your customers are justified in expecting to be recognized and treated accordingly (because this is no longer a technical issue). A CRM system for enhanced customer service enables you to receive people who are going to be your customers in the same way. #9 Individualization and personalization: Personalization in online marketing also helps you in other ways.

#10 Offering self-service: This point does not apply to others either but runs like a red thread through different approaches. The option of being able to help yourself should always include good customer service — but not alone and like finishing the flag. Self-service tools and equipment can be a very useful part of help desk software. Here they can help your customer service representative with complex questions as well as help customers themselves.

Conclusion: Answer “always more” with “always better”!

Expectations of good customer service are unlikely to drop. This and the increasingly competitive market, especially in online trading and online marketing. Advise that you do not always offer the same or use similar tools. But look carefully: what customers need, what they want and like. It requires creativity and a desire for innovation — but it pays off.

Originally published at https://influencer101.famenet.com.



Fame Infinity

Fame Infinity is a decentralized ecosystem, consisting of several digital marketplace and platforms which are predicated on AI-driven blockchain technology.